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Like A Paradise
Wednesday 1 February 2012 • 21:30 • 0 comments

1) Asyura: #imagine you were about to doze off when you heard your cell phone ringing. You were pretty tired after a long day in school so you ignored the call. The caller then called you again, annoyed you answered the call and say 'What do you want?! I'm trying to get my sleep here. please stop calling me okay. Thanks' You were about to hang up when you heard Nialls' voice on the end of the line. 'Babe, what's wrong?' he asked worried. You immediately say 'I'm so sorry Nialler. It's just that I had a pretty long day in school and i'm so so tired. Sorry for being rude to you earlier.' Your tiredness just went away when you heard Nialls' voice.  Niall then laughed a little over the phone and say 'Will a hug make you feel better?' Your face lit up when you hear him saying that. 'Yes! of course it will!' you answered.  'Then come down, I'm at your doorstep' Niall said. You went down and unlock the door. & Niall was there, standing infront of your doorstep with a bouquet of flower.  'This is for you,beautiful girl' Niall said and smiled cheekily. You took the flower from his hand and Niall lean forward to give you a big Horan hug. He then kissed your forehead and says 'You are the best i ever had, Don't leave me.' You wiped away your tears and say 'I won't, i promise'

2) Sheryl: #imagine you receiving a text from Liam. He texted you 'Hey darling. I'm missing you more than ever eventhough we just met a couple of hours ago'  You smiled upon receiving his text and replied 'Aww, i miss you too! Wish i could be in your arms now' He then replied 'I know, I wanna give you a hug and a kiss so badly. :('  You smiled again cause Liam text is so adorable and you replied 'Don't be sad darling! We will meet tomorrow alright?' You waited for 20 minutes but still received no reply from Liam. You then heard a knock on your door and Liam was there,with a beanie on his head. He smiled & I say, 'i couldn't wait till tomorrow. So here is your kiss and your hug' He then gave a kiss on your nose.

3) Gelhearts: #imagine the boys are doing a tour and Harry invited you to come. 'Babe, come with me to the tour. It will be great!' Harry said in excitement. You then look away and say 'No.. you go ahead with the lads. I'm sure you will do great!' 'What?! Why?! Come with me babe!' Harry replied with a sad look across his face. 'I don't want to go cause your fans my hate me. You know, i'm dating a celebrity. millions of girls love you, Harry. & I don't want to break their hearts when they know you are in a relationship with me.  Harry then hugged you from the back. you could feel his breath on your bare skin. He then reply 'Thank you for caring about my fans. I appreciate it babe, but I want you to be on the tour with me, it will be great, i promise' You finally agreed to go on tour with him. Then, on the first tour performance Harry announced to the audience 'Before we start, i will like to invite the girl of my dreams on stage. Please give her a round of applause. I hope you love her as much as I do. And yes, we have been dating for the past months. So I hope you love her like I do' You then go on up on stage and Harry gives you a hug and kiss you on the lips. The audience went 'awww'

4) Jaydexoxoxo: #imagine you were cuddling with Zayn and he looked at you in the eyes and say 'You are so beautiful. can you please stop being insecure about your looks?' You smiled and nodded. He then rest his head on your shoulder. You then run you fingers through his hair. He smiled and say 'I love you so much. and no one can ever replace you, I promise' You then reply 'i love you too and no one can ever replace you too!' Suddenly, Zayn stood up and walked away. You were shocked but you remained silent. He then close your eyes and say 'Surprise. i bought for you something'. He was smiling so widely. You open up the present and there were 2 matching varsity jacket.  You looked at him, gave him a smile and say 'Thank you babe. Love you so much' He then leans in for a kiss. 

5) Liza: #imagine you were talking a stroll at the beach with Louis and he playfully throws you into the sea. You were annoyed with him cause you didin't bring an extra clothes so you ignored him. Louis then tried to make you smile by dancing in the sea. He did the pat the dog and screw the light bulb. You tried to control your laugher and Louis say 'Smile! Laugh! Please?' You looked away but you were laughing secretly. He then screamed loudly 'I LOVE YOU LIZA. FORGIVE ME NOW?' You then turn around to give him a hug. & You screamed back 'I LOVE YOU TOO LOUIS. I FORGIVE YOU' Louis then gave you a hug and whispered in your ears 'i love you baby, you, yes you, you light up my world like nobody else. Please stay with me through the good and the bad time.' 

@AsyuraPerang -Nialls' girlfriend
@SherylLovesEtan- Liams' girlfriend
@gelhearts- Harrys' girlfriend
@Jaydexoxoxo- Zayns' girlfriend 
@lizaaaxoxo- Louis' girlfriend 

xoxo, The Shining Star


Hi. I'm Adriana.
Every day, I'll pick 5 directioners to be on my imagine.
Hope you liked my idea and enjoy my blog

& Oh, i love one direction

Do visit my fanfic blog @ www.iwill-beyourprincess.blogspot.com

Twitter: @ZaynMPrincess

Lots of luv
ZaynMPrincess x

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