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Like A Paradise
Valentine Day Story - 1
Saturday 11 February 2012 • 03:39 • 0 comments

Valentine Day Story - 1

It was 2 am in the morning. Amy was with Zayn in the backyard,looking at the stars. They were stargazing and Amy had her head on Zayn's hard chest. Amy and Zayn aren't they dating, they are best friends and only best friends. Zayn is in love with someone else and Amy knew nothing about it. 'Who's gonna be your Valentine this year?' Amy asked Zayn. Zayn chuckled and replied 'Valentine? No one wants to be mine!' He then run his fingers through Amy's long blonde hair. Amy laughed. 'What? you sure? You are the most popular boy in school and no ones wants to date you? What? Is this a joke?' Amy replied and laughed. 'What? Me? Popular? No. None of the girls attract me actually. They are all so stuck! Yucks!' Zayn replied pretending to throw up. 'And who will be your Valentine this year,bestfriend?' Zayn asked, curious. 'Hm..You know .. I might ask Louis out! I think I'm falling in love with him! He has such a cute smile. And everytime i walk pass him in school, it gives me goosebumps!' Amy replied, smiling so brightly. Zayn kept quiet and continued to star gaze.

'Loueh.....' Kesh shouted. Kesh, the girl who is totally in love with Louis Tomlinson. 'Yes?' Louis replied. They were walking down the hall way, in school. 'Hm.. Valentine day is coming .....' Kesh replied. 'Yes. I know. Just wait for it alright?' Louis replied and winked. He then gave Kesh a hug and walked away. Louis and Kesh have been in love for quite sometime. But, I have no Idea why Louis is taking such a long time to ask Kesh out. Let's just wait for Valentine day then!

'You don't know, you don't know you're beautiful. That's what makes you beautiful' Niall strummed the chords on his guitar. He was surrounded by a group of girls who was singing along to the song What Makes You beautiful. Niall was voted for the 'most adorable guy' in school. Yes, he is oh so adorable. His accent, his blue eyes and his smile. Yes, that's how cute it is. Haziqah, a girl who have been crushing on Niall ever since she laid her eyes on Niall. But then, Haziqah had no courage to go up to Niall and tell him her feelings. Why? Cause they are girls everywhere Niall goes. But, on 14 February, Haziqah has already plan to confess to Niall. Let's see how that goes.

Liam. Liam Payne another popular guy in school. Girls scream everytime they hear his name. Liam has never ever open up to any girls. He was a quiet young man who keeps everything to himself. But little did Liam know that a girl by the name of Kiz have been loving him for quite sometime. Due to his mysterious personality, Kiz had never ever talked to Liam. They only exchanged smiles every time they walk past each other. On this valentine day, every thing will change. 

Harry. Harry Styles getting curls since 1994. Well, that's what the girls say. Another popular young man in school. A flirty and cheeky young man. He has been in love with a girl name Leah. Leah is in cheer squad but she had never shown and knee intrest towards Harry. But on this valentine day, Harry is trying his luck to ask Leah out. Will his dream girl accept him?

-14 February 2012- 

Zayn was in his V black shirt revealing his arms muscles. He wore his white pants together with a Louis Vuitton belt. He had flowers and chocolates n his hands. He tried to calm himself down. He walked towards Amy's door and knocked on the door patiently. Amy unlocked the door. She was in a red dress and her hair was bun up. 'Come in! Take a seat while i'll grab some snacks for you!' Amy said. Zayn entered the living room and sat down. Lucky enough, Amy's phone was on the couch. Zayn quickly took the phone and changed his contact name to 'Be my valentine' Amy then entered the living room with snacks. 'Why are you here so early?' Amy asked. Zayn just smiled. He then took out his blackberry and dailed Amy's number. 'Wait a minute, Someone is calling me' Amy said and took her phone. On her phone, 'Be my valentine' appeared. She was in tears and answered the call. 'Yes baby, i'll be your valentine' Amy said and gave a hug to Zayn. 'I have love you all this while and I'm lucky to fall in love with my best friend' Zayn said. 'I have love you all this while. And about Louis, it was a distraction for me to forget you. Thank you for this babe. I love you alot' Amy said. Both their lips met for the first time. A perfect valentine day.

Louis was in his red and white stripes together with his black suspender. He was in his brown tight pans which reveal his bum. He was pretty nervous for today as it was his first time doing something special for the girl he love. 'Oh.. here she is!' Louis whispered to himself and hid behind the lockers. Louis had a remote control in his hands which controlled the blue car. The blue car hit Kesh's leg and there was a note on in which says 'Follow me!' Louis smiled and handed the remote to one of his friends. He told his friend to guide the car to the Ball room. Louis dashed towards the ballroom. The ball room was decorated with hearts all over and there was a table in the middle of the room. The table was dimly lit up with a candle. Louis waited for Kesh patiently and Bam, Kesh entered the ballroom. Kesh went towards Louis and gave him a hug. Louis kneel down his right knee, and take Kesh right hand. He utter to words 'Will you be my valentine?' He waited patiently for Kesh's answer. 'Yes i will!' Kesh reply and pulled Louis up. They lean in for a hug and they danced to song 'Sway' Finally, Louis and his true love, Kesh.

Niall had a guitar in his hands. He wore his red polo t which shows off his muscles together with a black 3 quarter pants. Niall was so nervous cause this is his first time asking a girl out eventhough he was the most popular guy in school. He finally reached Haziqah's backyard and he kneel his left knee. He started strumming his guitar and sang 'so won't you be my, hunny bee, giving me sweet kisses all the time? Be mine, be mine, valentine' As soon as he finished the song, Haziqah look through the window and saw Niall in her backyard. She ran down the stairs and unlock the door. 'I'll be your Valentine' Haziqah said and gave Nialler a big hug. Niall smiled and kissed Haziqah's forehead. They look so cute together and I wish them the best. Perfect Valentine day for a cute couple. 

Liam was at home. He was in his black shirt together with a white pants. Kiz was staying opposite Liam, so their windows were facing each other. Liam had cardboard in his hands with messages on it. He sat near the window and waited patiently for Kiz to come by her window. Kiz then appeared and Liam flashed the first card 'Hello' with a smile. Kiz replied it back on her cardboard 'Hello' They had their talks through the cardboard and they were laughing and smiling. Liam then mustered his courage and wrote 'Will you be my valentine?' He then flashed the card to Kiz. Kiz took quiet sometime to reply and she finally wrote down 'My pleasure Love' Liam had a wide smile across his face and then he replied 'Meet me at your doorstep now' Liam then rushed down to Kiz's doorstep and say 'Thank you baby. I love you , alot. Happy valentine day' Their lips meet for the first time ever. Happy Valentine Day to both of them.. Nice ending.

Harry was in his purple Jack Wills with his grey track pants. He did his curls and went to the sports hall where Leah was training for her cheer competition. Harry had a big cardboard in his hands and had an arrow pointing to him. On the cardboard, it says 'Will you be my valentine?' He walked nervously towards the sports hall and called out 'Leah!' Leah turned around with a smile. Harry nervously turned his cardboard around and called Leah again. 'Leah!' Leah read the writing on the cardboard and smiled. She then ran towards Harry and gave him a hug. Harry lift Leah up and spin her around. Both of their faces lit up and they looked so happy. Leah whispered in Harry's ear. 'of course, how can i ever reject a guy like you? Thanks for this surprise. No one ever had done this for me!' Leah said in excitement. They smiled and Harry kissed Leah's left cheek. Happy Valentine's Day.

@smilezaynx- Amy
@Haziqaaah- Haziqah
@NiallInTheNude- Leah
@KeshJLS1D_RKO - Kesh
@Kiz_kiz- Kiz

xoxo, The Shining Star


Hi. I'm Adriana.
Every day, I'll pick 5 directioners to be on my imagine.
Hope you liked my idea and enjoy my blog

& Oh, i love one direction

Do visit my fanfic blog @ www.iwill-beyourprincess.blogspot.com

Twitter: @ZaynMPrincess

Lots of luv
ZaynMPrincess x

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